2024-09 (Japan) Release
Template Studio
Show frame edges in edit mode
We have introduced a new mode in template editing mode which shows the edges of all frames to make it easier to identify, select and edit elements. This is the default mode for all newly opened templates and can be toggled on and off using the toolbar button.

Custom logic based on template size
We have added functionality to the custom logic editor which allows you to trigger logic when the end user changes the size of the template when dynamic scaling is available for a template. Based on the size or aspect ratio of the selected size, you can turn on and off pages, layers and elements or any other actions available via custom logic.

Set template colors from asset attributes
When an asset is selected for use in the template, you can now use the colors stored in color attributes of the asset to change the color of text or shapes using quick logic. This allows you to dynamically update colors in the design based on other assets used in the configuration.

Changes to empty image element style and behaviour
We've updated the style of empty image elements in edit mode to make them easier to identify and work with. We’ve also added functionality to allow end users to select images from the library for empty image elements without the need for a default when using inline image picking.

Update of element interaction icons
We've improved the style and behaviour of the icons that identify to end users the ways in which they can interact with inline elements. As well as the new look, the icons now function as buttons to allow users to easily jump into text editing, image selection and image cropping modes.

Custom naming of downloaded template configuration files
When using the download workflow, the user can now enter their own name for the file that is created, rather than the default name that is presented.
PDF quality options for downloaded files
When using the download workflow to download a PDF of a template configuration, the user can select between a number of quality options suitable for standard use cases. They can also specify custom settings if required.

New Cog icon for Administrator options
The options that relate to an administrator have been separated from the burger menu and placed under a new “Cog” icon:

The Burger menu now only shows user options.
Updates to the menu options
Icons have been added to all options that are shown in the cog and burger menus. The order of certain menu options within these menus has been changed.
Some of the menu options have been altered / renamed to give clarity to the option functionality:
User options
- In most cases the “My” prefix has been dropped. i.e. My Saved items has become Saved Items.
Administrator options
- The “Manage” prefix has been dropped from all options. i.e. Manage Asset Types has become Asset Types
- Attributes is now called Asset Fields.
- User Attributes is now called User Fields.
Help option
A new help option has been added to the Burger menu. This allows access to the online guides and to the release notes.

Order Confirmation email
A new email is now generated for the “confirmation of placing an order”. This email is only sent out to an ordering user when their order is placed with a print partner who does not “auto complete” their orders (i.e. the partner manually updates the order status to completed once it has been despatched, which triggers the current order completion email).
Any order placed with a print partner who “auto completes” their orders will not generate the new order confirmation email.
Welcome messaging
The Welcome message functionality has been extended, as follows:
Frequency of the message.
The display of the welcome message is now controlled by a “frequency” setting, which can be set to one of the following values:
- Never.
- Initial logon (shows only once on initial logon).
- Every logon (shows on every logon).
- User choice (shows on every logon until the user chooses the option not to show again).
Message type.
The type of the welcome message has been extended to allow for the following:
- Message (shows the welcome message text).
- Modal Window (shows an image instead of text).
- Full page (shows a page selected from the list of available pages).
Page option
New controls have been added to a sub-page that allow for the following to be controlled:
- Hide logo (the logo is not displayed when the page is shown).
- Hide search bar (the search bar is not displayed when the page is shown).
- Hide header bar (the Header bar and icons are not displayed when the page is shown).
Order History / Download History on Header bar
The order history icon (and download history icon - if this functionality is being used) is to be shown in the Header bar. This reverts the change made in the Icehouse release.
The administrator option in the General settings of Manage UI to control this has also been reverted.
Download history page
A new layout has been applied to the download history page, allowing users to view a list of their recent downloads. It allows the user to download an item again, or to reconfigure further (for a download of a configurable item).
Manage UI lock functionality
The locking mechanism applicable to a sub-page and its sections has been enhanced to include “Column” sections, which were previously were omitted. As a result of this refactor it has been possible to remove some of the “double save” actions, making it simpler and easier to apply changes.