Brandgility Releases
2024-12 (Landscape)
Release Notes

2024-12 (Landscape) Release

For the highlights in this release please see 2024-12 (Landscape) What's New

Not all features are included in all editions of Brandgility, if you have any questions, please speak to your account manager.

User Stories

Card NumberDescription
#139654Extended Authorisation to assign company
#123830Removed expired items from a collection count
#135700As a User I expect tiles shown on the Published date Tile list to be in Published Date order
#136617Add "Set As Default Address", "Set As Default Email Address" "Add to My Address Book" checkboxes and a Reference field to the Delivery Address flyout
#137153Add a "Hide Title When No Content" check box to Add/Edit Tile List page
#137154Show or Hide the Tile List title when there is no content in the Tile List, depending on the Tile List setting
#139191Custom script #2 for Customer Fulfilment workflow
#124268As an Administrator I wish to create a report of Customer User downloads showing the Customer and Outlet
#124294As an Administrator I wish to create a report of downloads from collections showing the Owner of each Collection
#138617For an Admin User, show the System Language option in the Language dropdown on the Edit User page
#138953Change the hover style on the date field of a tile
#138615Display a Cog icon next to the System Language on the Manage Translations page
#138788Add a "Used for Content Only" column to Manage Translations page
#138789Hide the Translate Option on the Edit / Duplicate Asset Page when there are no languages to translate into
#138857As an Admin I expect the Manage Translation page to have static headings
#138982As a System Admin user I expect to see a System Admin option with certain options showing behind it
#134959As a Report Administrator I expect the Collection access audit to be available in the reporting database
#138675MFA email address automatically set during registration
#138682MFA email address changed automatically when Admin changes User email address
#138723Create a "Create Content Tile (Content Category)"Tile
#138774Show a "Create Content Tile (Content Category)" Tile on the Home page / Sub page
#138476Customer Product Feed Source Logic
#138730Admin configures decryption options on SFTP source
#138731SFTP file decrypted based on source configuration
#138734File decryption failure generates integration failure notification email
#139187Admin configures SFTP source as xml file type
#138477Customer SSO Extended Authorisation
#138275Allow a template author to define static options for an attribute picker control
#138218Allow template author to add comments to a logic node
#138266Allow template author to specify a colour in logic wherever a colour can be set
#138549Make the length of the rotate handle constant
#138875Add a delay when starting to drag elements
#138927Amend properties panel title bar
#138937Change marquee selection tool to only include fully enclosed elements
#138980Change behaviour for using placeholder mode
#138984Allow movement of multi selected items to be moved using the arrow keys
#139370Remove the delay on showing the shape sub menu when creating elements
#138631Allow template author to link dropdown question options to translations
#138990Allow template author to link radio button question options to translations
#138217Allow a template author to set a maximum length for text question answers
#138216Allow a template author to set a maximum length for text question answers
#138705InDesign Plugin - Export full image area when converting groups to PDF
#139507InDesign Plugin - Remove metric kerning preflight check
#138276Export/import paragraph rules and settings from InDesign
#136545As a User I want the My Collections Page to respond according to the device I am viewing it on
#137712Make the My Collections - Collections Shared With Me page responsive on a mobile device
#137731Make the Pending Approvals page responsive on a mobile device
#137733Make the Approval History page responsive on a mobile device
#137740Make the New Collection page and Select Header flyout responsive on a mobile device
#137789Make the Approvals - Approve With Comments flyout responsive on a mobile device
#138039Implement the new responsive tabs on the New/Edit Role page
#138260Change the style of the PDF quality selection control
#138961As a User I expect the Last modified tile to show the selected Asset types
#138962As an Admin I want to select one or more Content types to display on a Last Published tile
#138963As an Admin I want to select one or more Asset types to display on a Last Modified tile
#138964As a User I expect the Last Published tile to show the selected Content types
#136189Use new components for each field on the My Profile page and reposition the Update button
#138569Fulfilment workflow supports custom script
#139530Extend the Data Collection fields to include the capture of the Postal Country
#138203Custom Logic for Customer Delta Asset Feed
#138138Admin Enables Customer Integration Endpoint in External Feed Module
#138139System loads delta asset data from Customer Integration source
#138141Admin Adds Customer Integration Source Type to an Asset Integration
#138845Basic Authorization Header Added Automatically from 'API Key' Value
#139213File Service Logs Rendition Used for Asset
#138140Admin Manages Customer Integration External Flies Configuration
#138146User AttemptsFulfilment Incorporating Customer Integration Asset
#138202Admin user enables Customer Integration External files module
#139149Allow a template author to use a placeholder value in a QR code URL
#139125Add additional date formats to date picker question
#138918Display a Settings Option On Ellipsis On the Configure Asset page
#138948Display a Settings Option On the Ellipsis On Previewing an Asset
#138616Display the Edit Language page for the System Language

Defect Fixes

Card NumberDescription
#138725Stuck orders
#139148Campaign service creating message subscriptions in topic name
#139628Font request returns 200 response but logs null in Access-Control-Allow-Origin
#139636Thumbnail images not being shown for an End User (Net-Err blocked by ORB)
#125112Reporting - Collection Asset not showing the correct "Created at" details
#139026Customer sync of Logo_Type error reporting not working
#139294Order status stuck at SENDING_TO_PRODUCER but fulfilmentJob BEING_FULFIILLED
#139352Customer Water Bottle Tag sync issues due to $ dollar in filename of image
#128138Search Filter counter showing incorrect colour
#128984Image loses green mask when exporting bgx
#133417Breadcrumbs not being cleared properly
#135716Add to Workbench issue on Campaign kit using the old UI
#135907Transparency with gradient tint not rendered correctly
#136784Cutter guide element created at incorrect size
#137663Order Item status flipping back to PREPARING_TO_SEND_PRODUCER
#137810Incorrect message displayed on Download History page when results are being refreshed
#137868Update pdftocairo library
#137896Scroll bar on Edit Asset Should Not Be There
#138077Colour Scheme section headings missing
#138082Format issue on the Manage Campaign Types page
#138503Order of Arabic numerals incorrect
#138600As a user I expect the languages listed against My UI Languages to be controlled
#138669Remove delay on showing element icons
#138670Changes to style/font selection dropdown
#138673Min font size defaults to 6pt from bgx
#138718Single spread digital template displaying navigation bar
#138737Incorrect default settings for custom PDF option
#138764Campaign Status hidden off of the UI
#138776Empty translation clears styling
#138809Hide unavailable options for content category size
#138810Change label for pages control
#138811Do not limit content category size to integers
#138814Zip Code validation being applied to a Non-United States address
#138914Default language in translations not saving - Customer
#138933Group icon should show in simple mode
#138941Manage Output sizes not visible in the new UI
#138952External feed report error messages do not match UI error messages
#138971Do not close panels when deleting/selecting/deselecting elements
#138973Do not show tab icon for locked elements
#138976Arabic character not rendering correctly
#138977Phone number not appearing correctly on RTL template
#138981Batch job page 2 not being displayed
#138991White styles not visible in dropdown
#139000Issue with animated thumbnails
#139005Show a cancel option on the "Asset not found" on the Batch job flyout
#139019Error with left to right wrapping characters in right to left box
#139031Tab not working after returns
#139032Mass customisation xls upload fails
#139067Download History roll over hover preview cut off
#139100List Attribute not visible for an if statement in logic
#139104Translation panel not loading
#139159Error shown when adding to cart
#139161Error when importing bgt on UAT
#139190Manage Output sizes showing in the wrong location
#139208Error when editing items in kit
#139270Name not printing correctly
#139291iframe not sized to window size
#139308JS error when importing BGX files
#139317Name not being returned for Brand
#139324Cannot resize uploaded image in sub template
#139330Rotated textboxes not importing correctly
#139331Error when opening templates
#139346Do not show sizes outside allowed range
#139349Extra return after translation values
#139350Dynamic scaling not working correctly
#139355QR Code does not work with scaling
#139363End date picker does not work
#139367Remove leading zero from Time on new Tile Hover
#139372Template with drop shadow failing to build
#139374Alter the System Admin option to be Tech Support
#139441Element position incorrect when pasted multiple times
#139576Translations not saving in Edit mode
#139579Inline validation applied to elements on hidden layers
#139621Can not update Customer Integration asset if its relevant BG Asset Type has mandatory attribute