2024-12 (Landscape) Release
Template Studio
Logic comments
You can add comments to your logic nodes to help document the functionality of your blocks of logic. Each node can have its own comment.

Maximum character limit for user input
You can now set maximum character limits for use text input via questions or inline editing. The user will then see a counter showing how many characters are used/available.

Set elements to specified colors in logic
When setting colors in logic, you can now use colors from the standard color picker as well as colors from asset attributes

List picker question
The attribute picker question is now called list picker and can be set to use static or translated options as well as options from an asset attribute. This question offers a multi select, reorderable list of options and is well suited to picking a number of bullet points or accreditations from a list

Translation of radio button and dropdown question options
You can now link options in radio button and dropdown questions to the translation grid so they will be updated when the user selects a template configuration language.
Template editor UI changes
There are several small changes and improvements to the template UI editor
- When using the marquee selection tool, only elements that are fully enclosed by the selection area will be included.
- When using placeholders, only the element currently being edited will be shown in placeholder mode. To see all placeholders in a template, you can use the toggle button as previously.
- The property panel title bar now shows the id of the currently selected element to make identification easier.
- You can now move multi selected items using the arrow keys.
- We’ve added a small delay when you select an item to avoid unintentional repositioning.
New hover style on tile dates:
There is a new style of hover help applied to any tile that shows an elapsed time (i.e. the time since the tile entry was triggered). When you hover on the elapsed time the date will be shown as follows:

Access to the Asset Settings from the Configure and Static Preview page:
The ellipse option has been extended on the template configure or static preview page to include access to the asset settings:

By selecting this option, it is possible to alter the asset settings of the currently selected asset.
Tile list changes:
The following enhancements have been made to a tile list:
- "Hide Title When No Content" option: This setting controls whether the title of a tile list section should still be shown or hidden (if checked), when there are no tiles to be presented.
- Content type selection for a Last Published or Last Modified tile list: The selection of content type(s) to be displayed on a Last Published or Last Modified tile list has been altered to give the administrator more flexibility and control. It is now possible to select specific multiple asset types to be shown, rather than the previous limited options of either “All” or just one type.
Changes to the Delivery Address flyout:
The delivery address flyout, which is accessible when preparing a print order, has been enhanced. There is now an “Add to My Address Book” option, to allow for newly entered address details to be saved into your address book for use on subsequent print orders. When using this option, you must also provide a unique reference for the address book entry. It is also possible to set the address as your default address book entry, which is then automatically applied to all print orders:

My Profile page - new UI layout:
The UI of the My Profile page has been updated to utilise the new style Brandgility field components. The page has also been enhanced to be more responsive to the screen size being used.

Enhancements to the reporting functionality:
The reporting database has been enhanced to include new tables that capture data relevant to the following areas of Brandgility functionality:
- Customer User downloads
- Collection download tracking
- Collection access tracking
Additional reports and enhancements to existing reports will be introduced in order to utilise the above new data.