2025-01 (Magazine) Release
For the highlights in this release please see 2025-01 (Magazine) What's New
Not all features are included in all editions of Brandgility, if you have any questions, please speak to your account manager.
User Stories
Card Number | Description |
#139570 | As an Admin I wish to duplicate a section on a page |
#139624 | As an Admin I wish to see the Pages in my preferred order |
#138566 | Show a control character for any characters entered that are not available in the font used |
#139003 | Remove any non-printable characters from all text entered during editing or customisations |
#138273 | Allow underline as an option in text questions |
#138272 | Allow underline as an option in inline editing |
#140014 | Allow a template author to manual preselect assets available for an asset picker question or inline image selection |
#139702 | Allow a template author to duplicate a style from the styles palette |
#139923 | Allow a template author to set a style to be underlined |
#138274 | Allow a template author to underline text while editing a template |
#139701 | Allow a template author to enable/disable autofitting for individual text elements |
#138813 | Allow a template author to use an image from a brand asset in an image element |
#139357 | Ensure template has up to date list of all used fonts |
#139358 | When editing or configuring a template in an account with over a given number of available fonts, only the fonts used in the current template should be loaded |
#136613 | Do not display an image on a newly created account that has not been seeded from another account |
#133451 | As a Report designer I want to write a Configured Output report |
#137992 | Make the New/Edit Role page responsive on a mobile device |
#137979 | Add the "Expired" option to the Status dropdown on the Edit Asset page when the Asset has a status of "Inactive" |
#134962 | As a Report Admin I expect to be able to write a Collection Access Summary report |
#137521 | Store the full set of colour setting values for a Colour Attribute |
#139831 | Showing the new Colour Attribute settings |
#139832 | Displaying an Asset with a Colour Attribute |
#140050 | Use CMYK values from an attribute color in a print template |
#135662 | All buttons in Brandgility to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135771 | the Home bookmark to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135777 | All Form Fields in Brandgility to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135782 | All Headings in Brandgility to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135835 | All buttons to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135842 | All Links in Brandgility to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135843 | All Toaster Messages to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135867 | The Example Text on the Reference field on the Add/Edit Address page to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135876 | All Error Messages to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135916 | All Radio Buttons to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135926 | All Mandatory Fields to conform to Accessibility standards |
#135973 | The Search Results Number of Matches to conform to Accessibility Standards |
#136109 | The Download and Download All buttons on the Home Page to conform to Accessibility standards |
#136113 | The Privacy, Terms of Use, etc, links to Accessibility standards |
#136114 | redundant image descriptions to be removed from the system so that they conform to accessibility guidelines |
#136116 | Popup Window Headings in Brandgility to conform to Accessibility Standards |
#136118 | The text on the Help popup window to be accurately tagged to conform to Accessibility standards |
#136119 | Breadcrumbs in Brandgility to conform to Accessibility standards |
#136127 | The Required field in the Add to Cart page to conform to Accessibility standards |
#136128 | Headers in Brandgility to conform to Accessibility standards |
#136558 | Content to be visible when zooming browser to 400% to conform to Accessibility standards |
#136562 | Content should adapt to screen width when zoomed to 400% to conform to Accessibility standards |
#136666 | All content should be visible when browser is zoomed to beyond 200% |
#138189 | As a Report admin I want to be able to report on the new Inncode/Brand / region attributes for an order |
#138478 | Update Re-Importer Tool to Support Client DAM |
#139816 | Asset feed processes image over 100MP in size |
#137573 | Display a Versioning icon on the Edit Template Page |
#137608 | Add a "Live Version" field to the Edit Asset page for a Template |
#137626 | Click the "+" icon in the Versions panel to create a new version |
#137646 | Add a "Test" option to a Template in the Asset Library |
#137750 | Show a Version Selector on the Test Page and allow a version to be selected and displayed |
#137751 | Allow a user who can test templates to select a different version of a template on the Test Page |
#138592 | Allow users with "Can Test Templates" permission to see inactive templates |
#138593 | User duplicates a template with multiple versions |
#138595 | User deletes a template with multiple versions |
#137534 | Add a new module which controls if the Template Versioning functionality is to be used |
#137571 | Create a new user permission (when the Template Versioning module is enabled) to control whether a user can test templates |
#137578 | Display "Test" instead of "Preview" on the Edit Template page |
#137598 | Display a list of versions of the selected template and information about the selected version |
#137684 | Replace the Customer Type "SMB" with "Essentials" and add a new "Professional" Customer Type in the Accounts App, and set all existing SMB accounts to Essentials |
#138080 | Create a new permission called Manage Billing |
#138998 | As a Report Admin I expect the Font data to be available in reporting |
#139013 | As a Report Admin I expect the Customer User Full Name to be present in the reporting database |
#139567 | As a Report Admin I expect the Content Category details to be available in the reporting database |
#138939 | As a Report Admin I expect the Attribute data to be available in the reporting database |
#139444 | As a Report Admin I expect the new dates captured on an Asset to be available in reporting |
#139445 | As a Report Admin I expect the new date captured on a Campaign to be available in reporting |
#139527 | As a Report Admin I expect the Delivery Address details for each user to be available in the reporting database |
#139566 | As a Report Admin I expect the Output Size details to be available in the reporting database |
#139584 | As a Report Admin I expect the Kitting setting to be available in the Reporting database |
#139589 | Allow author to set text and style colors from a color picker question using logic or quick logic |
#139708 | As an Admin I expect a new page layout for the Page Builder option |
#139801 | As an Admin I wish to use the Page controls of the new Page Builder |
#139802 | As an Admin I wish to use the Section controls of the new Page Builder layout |
#139839 | As an Admin I expect the section name to be visible when editing a section |
#139883 | Allow Empty section to be added direct from Column section |
#140075 | As an Admin I expect the name of a new entry to default to the Section name |
Defect Fixes
Card Number | Description |
#139875 | Script does not sync assets that contain one or more collections values that are not supported |
#139898 | Property update leading to company value being nulled out in Property data |
#140047 | Font loading/rendering issues |
#139342 | Sync of Logo_Type error |
#140149 | Missing characters when changing languages |
#110523 | End user can see list of all accounts of an environment |
#119083 | Twisty icon missing on Search Page - Content Type |
#131859 | Notification Bar being shown when past its Expiry date |
#132408 | SSO profile login urls accidentally updated due to incorrect fqdn change being triggered |
#134565 | Text Link to a Search Filter (in a Tabbed Text section) not showing the correct Breadcrumb |
#134668 | Issues on a Featured Tile |
#135416 | Cannot Set Output Specs to a DIGITAL asset error |
#137954 | Stuck orders |
#138951 | Download option tooltip text being truncated |
#138960 | Text boxes disappearing from template |
#139042 | Incorrect output from a Mass Customization Print Template |
#139204 | Download not created on MT-Prod account |
#139269 | Bullets and Styling in RTL - Unable to select text |
#139366 | Cursor does not reposition after dynamic scaling |
#139375 | Text Sections adding extra hard return |
#139438 | Remove references to account font list in logic nodes |
#139521 | User not notified that associated file has changed |
#139524 | Standard sizes not showing unless custom is enabled |
#139563 | JS error when logic node contains ** |
#139571 | New Attribute page is truncated and not showing all fields |
#139572 | User attribute page being truncated and not displaying properly |
#139574 | Error caused by renamed translation fields |
#139575 | Rotated text clipped incorrectly in preview |
#139578 | Warning messages not clearly visible |
#139585 | JS error when adding items to kit |
#139587 | Font logic not working in kit |
#139625 | Extra space in hint message after text is removed |
#139633 | Template colours output as CMYK in RGB PDF |
#139638 | Reorder of download of customization template with logic script errors |
#139639 | Last Published Date Tile list not showing items in the correct order |
#139653 | Download progress bar goes to 100.5 % |
#139666 | System Language still being shown on My UI Language |
#139669 | Exago not working for Production site |
#139676 | Error on opening template |
#139683 | SFTP feed incorrectly recording a fail to update syncToken |
#139753 | Attribute names not returned in mass customisation upload |
#139770 | We're sorry message on reconfigure page Settings option |
#139778 | Text overflow past the text box |
#139780 | API returns only one collection_id for an asset with multiple collections |
#139781 | Error loading assets with undefined id |
#139784 | Campaign service has duplicate handlers for v1.user.updated and v2.user.updated |
#139788 | Last attribute not showing correctly on Add/Edit Asset - Attributes page |
#139791 | Text overflow inconsistencies |
#139792 | Digital banner not rendering correctly |
#139804 | Error Processing Queries in Cart |
#139808 | Download button should enable when a User (with access to all codes) enters a valid code (Data Collection attributes |
#139813 | Manage Users page not loading all Users |
#139858 | Bullets not working in text flow |
#139872 | Delete popup not showing correctly on Asset/Campaign Type pages |
#139877 | Error - We're sorry message appears on Configure template |
#139897 | Error opening template |
#139908 | Do not include template style fonts in used fonts if no elements allow font change |
#139915 | Error inline editing text in sub template |
#139939 | Feed giving 401 errors |
#139948 | Missing Indexes on MongoDB - High CPU - Part 1 |
#140020 | Missing character logic not taking into account font changes |
#140044 | Incorrect Output Type dropdown showing on "Change" option |
#140074 | Enlarge the Page name area on the New Page builder layout |
#140150 | Unable to get postscriptName from ttf font causing web app to error on login |
#139350 | Dynamic scaling not working correctly |
#139355 | QR Code does not work with scaling |
#139363 | End date picker does not work |
#139367 | Remove leading zero from Time on new Tile Hover |
#139372 | Template with drop shadow failing to build |
#139374 | Alter the System Admin option to be Tech Support |
#139441 | Element position incorrect when pasted multiple times |
#139576 | Translations not saving in Edit mode |
#139579 | Inline validation applied to elements on hidden layers |
#139621 | Can not update Customer Integration asset if its relevant BG Asset Type has mandatory attribute |