Brandgility Releases
2025-01 (Magazine)
What's New

2025-01 (Magazine) Release

Template Studio

Template Versioning

You can now create multiple versions of a template to save different progress points or work on a live template without making immediate changes available to end users. Versions can be created and managed through a new panel on the template authoring screen. This significant new feature is fully detailed in the Template Versioning (opens in a new tab) section within the template authoring documentation.


Text Underlining

Underling of text is now available. This is available as a template author as well as an option for text questions and inline editing.

Underlining Underlined Text Example

Missing Character Validation

If a user enters characters which are not available in the font being used, these will now be displayed using a special character alongside a warning and the user will be prevented from continuing with the order.

Missing character

Set Text Color from Color Picker Question

You can now link a color question to text elements and styles to update the color of text based on the use selection from a color picker question

Text color

Select Specific Items in Asset Picker Rules

We’ve made it easier to specify exactly which items you want users to be able to select in an asset picker by allowing you to directly select the assets. You can still use metadata to set filters but in addition you can make a direct selection if you only want a limited selection of options available

Asset Picker

New autofit checkbox

We’ve simplified the process for enabling and disabling autofit for elements by adding a checkbox to each text box. If you want text to remain a constant size, simply uncheck the box.

Autofit Checkbox


New UI for the Page Builder

There is a new UI for the Page builder functionality, allowing the administrator to easily access the Edit or Add new Page options. The new UI also allows for simple navigation between the different pages, through the use of a dropdown showing all of the available pages:

Page Builder

In addition, there is an option to allow for the insertion of a new section onto the current page:

Insert Section

After the selection of a new section type, the Administrator can decide where the new section should be inserted:

Place Section

Further improvements to the information available when adding or editing a section have also been added.

Pages in Manage UI

The pages section in the Manage UI functionality has been enhanced to provide an “Alphabetic” order option (based on the page names). This is in addition to the current “manual” order.

Manual mode Alphabetic mode

The administrator can easily switch between modes, as desired.

Color Attribute settings

The color attribute functionality has been further enhanced to allow for the capture and display of a selected color attribute where the RGB and CMYK settings are not linked:

Color attribute

Expired Assets

Where the expiry functionality is in use, the application has been enhanced to allow an inactive asset to be set to expired (previously this was not allowed):

Expired assets

When this option is used, the expiry date is automatically set to the current date/time.

Enhancements to the reporting functionality

The reporting database has been enhanced to include new tables that capture data relevant to the following areas of Brandgility functionality:

  • Attribute
  • Fonts
  • Address Book
  • Content Categories
  • Output Sizes

Also, we have included new fields that are currently missing on the existing reporting database tables in the following areas:

  • Asset - Published by and date info
  • Campaign - Published by and date info
  • Orders - Data collection attribute info