Answering Template Questions
When configuring a template, you may be required to answer questions that interact with the design. For example, a question might ask you to enter a price or select an appropriate image. As a result of your answers, the template design will change, as reflected by the preview image.
The Template design may show a question to be either optional or mandatory. All mandatory questions must be completed before the validation can be passed and the template can be added to your cart.
There are several types of question and these appear in the right-hand questions pane:
Note: You can move through the questions and options within a question by using the following shortcut keys:
To move to the next question or option, press Tab.
To move to the previous question or option, press Shift + Tab.
Certain question types have additional options that available, for example, if the template design allows it, you may be able to change the font style or font colour of your answer text in a Text Question.
Text Questions
A Text Question asks you for a textual answer. For example, a Text Question might ask you to enter a product name, price, or contact telephone number. Typically, the answer provided will populate an element in the template design.*+9
To answer a Text Question:
Type your answer into the text field. The text resizes automatically to fit into the provided space. Note: If you exceed the limitation, the text field turns red, an error message is displayed, and the Add to Cart option is disabled.
If enabled, select from the following options:
Font style
Font size
Font color
Bold or italic
Superscript or subscript
Bullet formatting
Common symbols
If the template design allows it, you can also edit a text element directly within the Preview image. Click the element and a panel will show the available format adjustments:
If you can adjust or alter the text formatting of the element,
is displayed.
If you can adjust or alter the element itself,
is displayed.
To resize the text box, click and drag a corner or side of the text box.
To rotate the text box, click and rotate the circle below the text box.
If you can adjust the font size,
are displayed. Select the appropriate icon to adjust the font size up or down.
Image Pickers
An Image Picker allows you to choose an image from the selection shown.
For example, an Image Picker may require you to select a logo to match your product.
To answer an Image Picker question:
- Click on the selected image. Your selection is highlighted, and this may update the template design.
A Dropdown question provides a list of text options to choose from. You can select one item from the list.
For example, a Dropdown question might ask you to select a brand name for your product.
To answer a Dropdown question:
- Click on the selected option. Your selection is highlighted, and this may update the template design.
Radio Button Lists
A Radio Button List provides a list of options to choose one item from. For example, a Radio Button List question might ask you to select a product size.
To answer a Radio Button List question:
- Click the appropriate radio button from the available options. Your selection is highlighted, and this may update the template design.
Asset Pickers
An Asset Picker allows you to choose one Asset from a selection of Library Assets.
For example, in a drinks' menu template, an Asset Picker question might ask you to select a drink image.
To answer an Asset Picker question:
Select the magnifying glass icon in the Asset Picker question
A search fly-out is shown with the available Library Assets to choose from.
Click an entry to select it.
The search fly-out is hidden. Your selection is displayed in the question, and this may update the template design.
Note: When the search fly-out is displayed, you can navigate the Assets using the following shortcut keys:
To move to the next Asset, press Tab.
To move to the previous Asset, press Shift + Tab.
To select an Asset, press the space bar.
Multi-Select Pickers
A Multi-Select Picker allows you to choose multiple Assets from a selection of Assets.
For example, in a drinks' menu template, a Multi-Select Picker question might ask you to select 3 drink images.
To answer a Multi-Select Picker question:
Select the magnifying glass icon in the Multi-Select Picker question.
A search fly-out is shown with the available Assets to choose from.
Select the required Assets.
Select OK. Your selections are listed in the question panel and this may update the template design.
Note: To view a larger preview of an image, mouse over the image thumbnail.
If allowed by the template design, you can reorder the selected items using the grab handles:
Note: When the search fly-out is displayed, you can also navigate the Assets using the following shortcut keys:
To move to the next Asset, press Tab.
To move to the previous Asset, press Shift + Tab.
To select an Asset, press the space bar.
A Checkbox question allows you to select one or more items from a list.
For example, a Checkbox question might ask you to choose a set of promotional offers that should be applied to the materials you are working on.
To answer a Checkbox question:
- Check one or more of the available boxes. Your selection(s) are shown in the question, and this may update the template design.
Group Questions
A Group Question is used to group multiple (related) questions together. These can be any type of question.
For example, a Group Question might be used for grouping together address details, which consists of multiple address lines, a telephone number and an email address.
Sub Template Pickers
A Sub Template Picker allows you to select from a selection of available sub templates, (i.e. small blocks of the template design) used for example, to provide different page layouts for a design.
To answer a Sub Template Picker question:
In the Sub Template Picker question, select the magnifying glass icon.
A search fly-out is shown with the available Sub Templates to choose from.
Click an item to select the Sub Template.
The search fly-out is hidden. Your selection is displayed in the question, and this may update the template design.
Color Pickers
A Color Picker allows you to select a color to be applied to an element on the canvas. Depending on the template design, two types of Color Picker can be made available:
- A predefined Color Picker, where specific colors are provided by the template designer:
To answer a predefined Color Picker Question:
Select the color you want to use, from the available swatch palettes.
A dynamic Color Picker which allows any color to be selected:
To answer a dynamic Color Picker Question:
Select the paint bucket icon in the Color Picker Question.
A color picker pop-up is displayed.
Select the color you want to use. Or In the color value fields, enter the desired color code values.
File Upload Questions
A File Upload Question allows you to upload a file, for example, a sample pattern or design mock-up. The file is then included as part of the order.
To answer a File Upload Question:
- Drop a valid file into the File Upload Question drop-area.
- Click the drop-area and your file explorer will open to help locate the required file.
Note: After a file has been uploaded, it is shown in the question, along with a delete icon. Use this to remove any unwanted/incorrect files.
Date Picker Questions
A Date Picker Question allows for the selection of a date, or a range of
To answer a single Date Picker Question:
Click on the Date Picker Question.
A calendar is shown.
Select the required date from the Calendar.
Your selection is displayed in the question, and this may update the template design.
To answer a Date Range Picker Question:
Click on the Start date in the Date Picker Question.
A calendar is shown.
Select the required date from the Calendar for the Start date.
Click on the End date in the Date Picker Question.
A calendar is shown.
Select the required date from the Calendar for the End date.
Your selections are displayed in the question, and this may update the template design.
Sub Picker Questions
A Sub Picker Question allows you to select from a list of attribute values on a Library Asset to populate elements in the template.
For example, a vehicle asset may have a Vehicle Attributes field with multiple values that describe the vehicle, such as "Sleek" or "Sporty". Having first selected the vehicle Library Asset, the associated Sub Picker Question then allows for the appropriate Vehicle Attributes to be displayed and selected from.
To answer a Sub Picker question:
The Sub Picker question is automatically populated from an Asset selection (Note: This may have been performed automatically by the application).
Click one or more items in the Sub Picker question. Your selection(s) are shown in the question, and this may update the template design.