Translating Templates

Creating translated content

To enable translated content to be stored and made available within a template or sub template, you will see a Translations section when editing these asset types and the Content Translation option is enabled for your organisation. The section is used to enter and store pieces of translated text which are indexed by a "key" field These can then be referenced from within the template or sub template design and/or the questions:

  1. When creating or editing a template or sub template asset:

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  1. Select Translations.

  2. Enter a Key. This must be unique within the asset.

  3. To add more languages, select Select Languages.

    • In the Select Languages fly-out, select the checkboxes of

      the appropriate languages, and select OK.

  4. Select next to a language name and use the toggle switch to make a language active or inactive. Both of these language states are visible to the author, but only the active languages are visible to the user during configuration of the template.

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  1. Enter a piece of translated text below each language in the text box provided. You can format the text to emphasize words or phrases using the options provided.

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  • To add more keys, select .

  • To duplicate a key, hover over the key entry space, and select . Then, select Duplicate.

The key and all its associated fields are copied.

Note: Keys must be unique. After duplicating an entry, you need to edit the Key field.

  • To delete a key, hover over the key space and select . Then, select Delete.

Note: Keys which are in use within the template or sub template cannot be deleted.

Adding translated content to a template

When translation keys are set up, they can be linked to template questions and elements, such as a text question or a placeholder, using the Translation Field dropdown.

Note: The Translation Field dropdown is only visible if the Content Translation option is enabled for your organisation, and if translation keys have been created for the template or sub template asset.

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  1. Create a text question. For more information about creating a text question, see section 5.2.

  2. From the Translation Field dropdown, select a key.

The dropdown displays all available keys that have been entered in the Translation section of the template or sub template asset.

  1. Create a text frame and use quick logic to link it to the text question you created.

  2. When all of the above is configured within a template or sub template, an automatic Select Language dropdown question is displayed to the user during configuration (or to the template author on the preview panel). This shows the list of the active languages, as defined on the Translation section of the asset.

  3. When the user makes a selection from the dropdown, the relevant text for the associated key fields of the selected language are displayed/used in the text question or placeholder on the canvas.

Example showing when UK English is selected in the language dropdown:

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The same template showing when French is selected instead:

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