Sub Template Picker

Sub Template Picker


This functionality allows you to build a set of sub templates (that may contain elements, questions, and logic) and then specify a picker question to allow the end user to select from the available sub templates. For more information, see section 6 Sub Templates.

Creating a new Sub template

To create a new Sub Template Picker:

  1. In the top-left corner, select +.

  2. In the Questions section, select Sub Template Picker. The new question is displayed in the Questions pane. The properties of the new Question are displayed in the Properties pane.

  3. Use the Properties pane on the right-hand side of the page to set properties for the new Sub Template Picker.


Sub Template Picker's properties -- overview

The Sub Template picker properties pane has three tabs:

  1. General

  2. Rules

  3. Quick Logic

General tab

![Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated]/media/image197.png)

  1. In the General tab, set the relevant properties of the picker, as follows:
IDA unique reference for the question.
You can edit the ID.
TitleThe question title visible to end users.
You can edit the Title.
HintYou can add information about how the end user should answer the question.
Focus ElementUse the dropdown to link a question to an element on the canvas.
Show for SpreadUse the dropdown to select the spreads the question is used in. If you deselect all checkboxes, this property changes to None.
MandatoryIf selected, the end user must complete the question. * appears below the question field to indicate it is mandatory.
Apply to all itemsSee section 9.5.

Rules tab

![Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated]/media/image199.png)

  1. In the Rules tab, set the following:
Asset Type/LibraryUse the dropdown to select a Sub Template Asset Type. Only the selected Asset Type will be available for selection by the user.
Default selectionUse this dropdown to select the behaviour of the Sub Template picker question. The options available are:When either of the "select default" options is used, then a default selector option is shown, allowing the default Sub Template to be selected:
Display in QuestionUse the checkboxes to select one or more items that will appear in the tiles on the fly-out. These items will also be displayed to the end user in the question, after selecting an asset.
RulesThis option allows the template author to set the filter rules that will be applied to the question when the user selects it.
For more information on picker rules, see section
Dynamic FiltersUse this dropdown to select attributes for questions.

Quick Logic tab

Graphical user interface Description automatically generated

  1. In the Quick Logic tab, set the following:
Sub TemplateUse this dropdown to select a Sub Template Slot.
AttributesUse the dropdowns to choose attributes such as:
Block Type

Using a Dropdown Question to filter the attribute of a Sub Template Picker

Note: This feature currently only works for Asset Types which have a List attribute.

To use a Dropdown Question to filter the attribute of a Sub Template Picker:

  1. Create a Sub Template Picker. For more information, see section 5.11.2.

  2. Create a Dropdown Question. For more information, see section 5.5.2.

  3. Add and configure one or more entries in the Dropdown Question. For more information, see section 5.5.4.

  4. Select the Sub Template Picker, and select the Rules tab.

  5. Under Dynamic filters, in Question, select the Dropdown Question you created.

![Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated]/media/image203.png)

  1. Select an attribute.

  2. Select the Quick Logic tab.

  3. Select the attributes for the Sub Template Picker to populate. For more information, see section 8.2.