Adding a Sub Template to a Template

Adding a Sub Template to a Template

To add a sub template to a template:

  1. Open the template to which you want to add a sub template.

  2. Select +.

Graphical user interface, chart Description automatically generated with medium confidence

  1. In the Elements section, select Sub Template Slot.

A slot frame is displayed.

  1. Drag the slot frame to the desired position.

You can also enter specific values in the Position & Size section on the right.

  1. Using anchor points, resize the slot frame to your liking.

You can also enter specific values in the Position & Size section on the right.

Make sure the slot is the correct size for the sub template element you want to embed. If the slot is larger or smaller, the selected sub template element will be resized to fit the slot.

  1. In Title, enter a relevant value to indicate what the slot is for.

  2. Select +.

  3. In the Questions section, select Sub Template Picker.

  1. In the General and Rules tabs, set the relevant properties of the new question, see Section 5.11 Sub Template Picker:

Previewing a Sub Template

You can see what your current sub template will look like to the users.

To preview a sub template:

  1. Open the sub template you want to preview.

  2. In the top-right corner, select Preview.

To return to the editing mode, in the top-right corner, select Edit.