Managing SSO
To start working with SSO entries, select My Account followed by Manage SSO.
Please contact Elateral for details when setting up SSO entries.
Note: To access this page, you need to have the Manage SSO permission in your role.
If this is the first time you have accessed Brandgility, there will not be any SSO entries yet.
Creating a new SSO entry
- To create a new SSO, click the Add a New SSO Entry button. The New SSO Entry window opens, as is partially shown below:
Enter the SSO Name, SSO ID, SSO Identity Provider Login URL, Identity Provider Logout URLs, Identity Provider Certificate, Secondary Identity Provider Certificate, Service Provider Certificate, Service Provider Private Key, Registration URL and Invite URL. Only the first three of these fields are required.
Next to the SSO ID field, there are two checkboxes you can select:
Create a user if they do not exist -- This option determines if a user account is to be created when a user accesses Brandgility via this SSO method for the first time and they do not already exist. By default, this checkbox is ticked. If it is not ticked, then the user must exist in order to access Brandgility.
Hide from SignIn Page -- If you tick this box, then this SSO method is hidden from the SignIn page
- Click Create to create your SSO entry. Your new SSO entry is displayed on the Manage SSO home page and is available to assign to new users.
Editing an SSO entry
To edit an SSO, select the Edit SSO Entry icon
on the right of the SSO name. The Edit SSO Entry window opens.
Edit the fields you want to change. Only the first three of these fields (SSO Name, SSO ID, SSO Identity Provider Login URL) are required.
Click Update to save changes in the SSO entry.** **