Creating Assets
Assets can be manually created directly from the Search page.
Note: To perform this activity, you need to have the Manage Assets permission set.
To do this, select the Search icon and then click the Add Asset button. The New Asset window opens.
Enter the Name of the asset, followed optionally by the Description.
In the Asset Type section, select the appropriate asset type. Note: Each asset type has its own set of attributes.
From the Order Approval and Status drop-down lists, select the required values.
In the Images section, for library assets you can upload an image (and optionally define the focal area). For static assets, you can upload the payload file.
Note: A focal area is applied to a library image and used during configuration. It defines the section of the image that cannot be omitted when a user crops or otherwise changes the image within the configured design.
Note: For the static assets, thumbnail images are automatically generated by default. If you want to upload a separate thumbnail image, uncheck the Auto Generate Images checkbox.
- In the Images section, if the External link assets functionality is enabled and you have selected a Static Asset asset type, then a Payload Type dropdown will also be visible. In this dropdown, you can select File or Link. Selecting Link will allow you to enter the external link URL in Payload URL for the External Link asset. Selecting File will allow you to provide the Payload File for static asset.
Note: The External Link Assets option is only available if this functionality is enabled for your organization.
Assign the asset to a campaign, if relevant. An asset can be assigned to multiple Campaigns. For details, see Working with Campaigns.
In the Attributes section, you can set the asset's attributes (all mandatory attributes must be completed). Attributes are custom fields you can use to record information about assets. For more information, see Managing Attributes.
Note: If you are not sure what the asset's attributes should be set to, you can set the asset's status to Inactive. This will allow you to leave any mandatory attribute fields empty and still be able to save (create or change) the asset. Prior to making the asset Active, all mandatory attributes must be completed.
- If the Translation functionality is enabled and this is a template, sub template, brief or sub brief asset, then a Translations section will also be visible. In this section, you can add and modify Key entries. These keys allow for pieces of translated text to be entered for a selected language and then used in the template or brief.
Note: The Content Translation option is only available if this functionality is enabled for your organization.
- Click Create. Your new asset is created. Note that the asset will not belong to a campaign unless you have assigned it in step 5.
Note: If you have the Translation option enabled, it is possible to add translations for the asset name and the description fields. See section 19.2 for more details.
Assets can also be created from within a Campaign. To do this, click the Add Asset button. The New Asset window opens, as described above. However, in step 5 the campaign is automatically assigned.