Setting Up Your UI


You can customize your pages with a variable section of images, text and links. These are typically shown at the foot of a page and so are called footers.

To add a footer to a page:

  1. Create a footer.

  2. Add footer layouts to your footer.

  3. Add a footer section to a page.

Creating a Footer

To create a new footer:

  1. Select My Account > Manage UI > Footers.

  2. Select to create a new footer.

  3. In Name, enter a name for your footer.

  4. To show the footer on every page, select the Show on every page checkbox.

  5. In Height, enter a height for your footer. This is used when the footer is set to "Show on every page".

  6. In the Footer Layout section, add footer layouts.

  7. In the top right corner, select Add.

  8. In the top right corner, select Save.

Adding Footer Layouts to a Footer

To add footer layouts to a footer:

  1. Select My Account > Manage UI > Footers.

  2. Create a new footer, or select to edit an existing footer.

  3. In the Footer Layout section, select .

  4. In Name, enter a name for your new footer layout.

  5. In Type, select the type of your footer layout:

Image- Upload your footer layout image. - Optional: To add alternative text for the image, complete the Alt tag field. Read more about alternative text.
TextEnter and format your footer layout text.
Link- Add a URL or email address. - Optional: To make the linked page display in a new window, check the Open In Separate Window box.
  1. In the Display section, adjust the following options:

    • Top padding

    • Left padding

    • Height (only for image footer layouts)

    • Width (only for image footer layouts)

  2. In the top right corner, select Add.

  3. In the top right corner, select Save.

  4. In the top right corner, select Save.

Adding a Footer Section to a Page

To add a footer section to a page:

  1. Select My Account > Manage UI > Pages.

  2. In the required page row, select .

  3. In the Sections section, select .

  4. Configure the following options:

NameEnter a name for your new footer section.
TypeSelect Footer.
ItemSelect an existing footer.
AppearanceConfigure the appearance of your new footer section. In Background Image, upload a background image for your footer section.
  1. In the top-right corner, select Add.

  2. In the top-right corner, select Save.

  3. In the top-right corner, select Save. To see your changes, go to the edited page.