Pending Approvals
Select the Pending Approvals section to see a list of all content items awaiting approval that are assigned to you. Each item contains a thumbnail of the content, Name, Date Submitted, Submitted By and Type.
By default, the list is sorted from the newest to the oldest item. To sort the list from the oldest item, select the arrow next to Date Submitted.
It is possible to use the checkboxes on this page to select multiple items and then perform the following actions:
Request a Proof (multi-item version).
Approve all (optionally with the same comment).
Reject all with the same comment.
Otherwise, select the Name of an item to view the ordered item details, including:
A preview of the ordered asset
Order details
A Comment box with the options to Approve or Reject the order
A Request Proof button that allows you to download a summary of the ordered asset. Note: The Request Proof button is not available for static items.
Feedback can help the user amend their rejected orders. For example, if a user has accidentally ordered an invalid quantity for an item, it would be useful to add this comment alongside the Rejection, so that this can be resubmitted and ordered correctly.
Note: If your organization has the Automatic Approval feature turned on, you can also approve orders automatically by clicking the link that is provided in the approval email notification sent to the approver.
in the top right of the Order Details
screen to see the full details of the ordered items and the
configuration details applied to it.