Setting Up Your UI
Text Sections

Text Sections

You can customize your pages with text sections.

Creating a Text Section

To create a text section:

  1. Select My Account > Manage UI > Text Section.

  2. At Add Text Section, select .

  3. Configure the following options:

NameEnter a name for your new text section.
TabSelect the number of tabs you want your text sections (optional) to be displayed in. For each tab, enter a Tab Name.
TextType the text into the Text box. Several text formatting options are available including inline styles, lists, indented text and links. If you added tabs to the text section, each tab has a separate Text box.
  1. In the top-right corner, select Add.

  2. In the top-right corner, select Save.

Adding a Text Section to a Page

To add an image section to a page:

  1. Select My Account > Manage UI > Pages.

  2. In the required page row, select .

  3. In the Sections section, select .

  4. Configure the following options:

NameEnter a name for your text section.
TypeSelect Text
ItemSelect the text section that you want to use.
AppearanceConfigure the appearance of your new text section.
  1. In the top-right corner, select Add.

  2. In the top-right corner, select Save.

  3. In the top-right corner, select Save.

To see your changes, go to the edited page.